Symfony News

Advent Calendar 2014

BEAR.Sunday Advent Calendar BEAR.Sundayから学ぶテストプラクティス: 前置き先日BEAR.Sunday作者のkoriymさんとSymfony勉強会でご一緒して話す機会があり...

Vojtěch Vondra

@Ocramius it's the thing that always bothered me in the Symfony Forms component. Hard to remember and error prone without an IDE.

Isidor Gandarillia

Зачем плодить кучу одинаковых php-шных фреймворков? Symfony, Cake...

Kevin Boyd

@ramsey heh. Symfony 1 used to generate a ton more CRUD. Bundles are spartan by comparison.

Ben Ramsey

@MarcusFulbright @jwage The problem is I’m using a bundle in a @getsculpin project, and not being a Symfony 2 person is hurting me.

Source: Twitter

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