Symfony News

Ariya Ellies

Привет. Нет, потому что я не видел Symfony года 4 и не интересуюсь сейчас этим :-)

Kevin Boyd

@ramsey one place to start is "composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition test_Symfony2" then "app/console generate:bundle"

Stephane Faucher

J'ai passé la semaine à me familiariser avec @symfony et je commences à comprendre le plein potentiel de ce #framework :-p

Ben Ramsey

There’s nothing more humbling to a seasoned developer than trying to figure out how Symfony 2 bundles work.

Ennio Wolsink

Nightly overtime work, cruising in multiple #linux shells. Instead of working on this #Symfony/#angularjs hybrid, I should hack something..

Source: Twitter

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