Symfony News

Vincent Composieux

Symfony v2.4 will not be maintained anymore and 2.5 will contain security fixes only. Consider updating your applications. #symfony #php

mickaël andrieu

@dbu #SymfonyCMF has evolved a lot since the last time I take a look on it, did you plan to update the Symfony version ?

Evaldo Junior

Yay, new Silex is out! "@fabpot #Silex 1.2.3 is out. The next version will be 1.3 with support for #Symfony 2.7, it will require PHP 5.3.9+"


Avec plaisir ! “@EmilyDantzikian: le 1er #meetup #ezpublish commence! #php #symfony merci @kaliop @andrerom @dpobel pour leur intervention”

Emilie Dantzikian

le 1er #meetup #ezpublish commence! #cms #cxm #php #symfony merci @kaliop @andrerom @dpobel pour leur intervention

Source: Twitter

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