Symfony News


14:15ごろ到着予定です。マイペースですいません。 #symfony_mokumoku


@stuafcb The OS version will not move from its current symfony version, we will have more features added in June. Current version is stable.


Why #symfony doesn't have a datas caching feat. ? Is it because it's over easy to DIY or 'cause it's recommended to use 3rd party libs ?

Kyle Harrison

@github @AtomEditor But to be brutally honest, it's a pain to use when working with PHP Frameworks like Symfony due to namespacing :(

Mayank Patel

Is there any symfony 2 Developer who can help me? You have requested a non-existent service for security authentication_utils

Paul Littlebury

learning #symfony is more extensive than I thought, but that's a good sign - it definitely has a "Not a toy" sign on it

Source: Twitter

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