Symfony News

SymfonyCon Lisbon here we come: schedule part 2!

We announced last Monday the first part of the conference schedule for SymfonyCon Lisbon 2018. We’re now very happy to announce the second part of the schedule. Discover the conference schedule! We’re extremely pleased to welcome the following speakers (in alphabetical order) and their talks at the conference. Please meet:

  • Pedro Magalhães, PHP Developer and Contributor, will present a talk entitled “Changing PHP”. PHP releases a new minor version every year. Major versions happen when there are enough changes that justify to do so. Who is making those changes and how does that process work? What is the process to get an RFC to vote and the subsequent merge of the code? If you are intrigued by PHP internals, this talk is for you.

  • Ciaran McNulty, PHP professional since the late 90s and lead maintainer of PhpSpec, will be speaking about “Behat Best Practices with Symfony”. In this talk Ciaran will explain the BDD process, and show the best practices for using Behat including: writing good scenarios, driving service development from scenarios, fast UI testing, and using Behat and the Symfony2Extension.

  • Jeremy Mikola, Contributor to various projects in the Symfony2 ecosystem and JeoPHPardy presenter, will be talking about “Bulletproof MongoDB”. This talk will examine how the driver monitors connections to a cluster and look at how we can tune its behavior to meet an application's unique needs, and much more! He will also present the now famous "JeoPHPardy" at the end of the first day of the conference!

  • Fabien Potencier, Symfony founder and project lead, will be on stage for the opening Keynote on Thursday morning! Stay tuned for more details to be announced soon.

  • Samuel Roze, Core Team member of Symfony and ApiPlatform, creator of ContinuousPipe and Tolerance, will give a talk about “Symfony Messenger: 6 months already and more to come”. The Messenger component brings asynchronous processing to Symfony: using message bus(es) you are able to decouple your application and route some (or all) of these "messages" to transports such as the built-in AMQP transport. More than 6 months after merging the new Messenger component in Symfony, Samuel, creator of the component, will explore the different use cases it has been used for so far and how it will continue to involve in order to facilitate even more.

  • Michelle Sanver, big advocate of Open Source and diversity in tech and Symfony CARE team member, will present a talk about “Using the Workflow component for e-commerce”. They got the task to make an order API, from open order, to delivered, with payments in between and after. This is a real happy use case story where she will show you how they did this, and how much more straightforward it was for them to build an otherwise complex system using the workflow component.

  • Miro Svrtan, PHP developer since 1999 now Senior developer, will be speaking about “When testing makes no sense”. If you look at the stage of any conference in the PHP world, people are preaching testing,testing,testing ... If you on the other hand look at the community, the percentage of people writing tests is really low. This talk will explore that fuzzy line when you have to shift your mind from one side to the other: in both directions.

  • Diana Ungaro Arnos, Tech Lead, PHPSP and PHPWomenBR member, information security enthusiast, will be talking about “Security: handling user access with Symfony the right way”. Take a look at the Symfony's Security component powerful tools and see how to use them to handle user access the right way.

The conference is coming in about in less than 4 months, will you be there? Join us today, take your ticket!

The last speakers and talks will be announced very soon, stay tuned!

See you at the conference!

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