Symfony News

New in Symfony 3.2: HttpFoundation improvements

Improved the the response cache headers

Contributed by
Fabien Potencier in #18220 and #19143.

Previously, if you performed a 301 permanent redirect and didn't set a cache header, the no-cache header was added by Symfony. In Symfony 3.2 this behavior has changed and now 301 redirects don't add the no-cache header automatically, but they maintain it if you set it explicitly.

Symfony 3.2 also fixes another inconsistency related to cache headers. When the no-cache header is present, Symfony now also adds the private directive, so the response contains no-cache, private instead of just no-cache.

Added isMethodIdempotent() utility

Contributed by
Kévin Dunglas
in #19322.

HTTP safe methods are those that just retrieve resources but don't modify, delete or create them (only GET and HEAD methods are considered safe). The Request class includes a isMethodSafe() method to check whether the given HTTP method is considered safe or not.

HTTP idempotent methods are those that can be used in a sequence of several requests and get the same result without any other side-effect. For example PUT is idempotent because it creates a new resource everytime is called, but POST is not idempotent because it modifies a resource everytime is called.

In Symfony 3.2 we added a new method called isMethodIdempotent() to check whether the given HTTP method is idempotent or not.

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