Symfony News

New CARE Team Members

Almost three years ago, we built the CARE Team as part of our diversity initiative.

Since then, Emilie Lorenzo, Michelle Sanver, and Tobias Nyholm were the members. After so many years, Emilie and Michelle decided to step down and let other people join the team. I want to personally thank them for their great work and help to make Symfony a safer and welcoming place for everyone.

As of today, I’m very happy to announce that the team is now composed of five members:

  • Timo Bakx
  • Zan Baldwin
  • Valentine Boineau
  • Magali Milbergue
  • Tobias Nyholm

All new members followed a specific training to help them with their new task.

You can contact any of them directly using their contact details or you can also contact all of them at once by emailing

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