Symfony News

Fourth Round of Selected Speakers at SymfonyWorld 2021 Online 2021 Winter Conference

In the past weeks, we've announced the first, the second and the third round of speakers (and the workshops) of the upcoming SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition conference (December 9-10, 2021). Today we are announcing five additional speakers and talks.

How Math, Science, and Star Trek Explain the Value of Team Diversity

The greatest asset of open source software is the ability to fork and improve. In this session, Fredric Mitchell explores the mathematical algorithms and scientific studies describing the advantage of diverse teams.

We'll dive into existing research and real-world situations that solved complex problems. We'll also explore how Star Trek played a pivotal role in being the allegory for this concept.

Runtime component: The game changer

By popular demand we're rescheduling this talk from the previous conference. Tobias Nyholm will show you the new Runtime component that allows your application to run decoupled from the global state.

Learn how to make your application portable to many different systems without making any changes. This is especially beneficial for users that want to run ReactPHP, Bref, Swoole, etc.

Symfony Forms: Advanced Use Cases

The Symfony Form component offers many features out of the box. It covers 80% of use cases, but how do you deal with the 20% left? If you have read the documentation, you probably know how to use it. But do you know how it works?

Alexandre Salomé will show you advanced use cases such as making a list of items sortable, hiding or disabling fields based on user permissions, etc.

Data Validation models

On daily basics we need to validate data incoming to our application. In this talk, Marcin Czarnecki will show you different validation libraries like Symfony Validation or Webmozart Assert.

Learn the difference between syntax and semantic validation, when can you use deferred validation instead of keeping your object always valid and what libraries can help you to perform validations in your application.

Dealing with dependency troubles in your Symfony project

When you maintain multiple applications that reuse code, you probably have some shared library and/or bundle. You probably use third-party bundles/packages too. Chances are that you run into issues with dependencies, especially now with PHP 8.1 and Symfony 6.

In this talk, Denis Brumann will discuss package design principles to avoid dependencies blocking your upgrade and how Symfony and other popular PHP packages implement or deviate from them and how it affects users and maintainers.

With these five new talks, we've already announced 25 talks for the conference, covering a diverse range of topics. Visit the SymfonyWorld Online 2021 Winter Edition website so you can get your tickets for the conference and the workshops.

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