Symfony News

A week of symfony #433 (13-19 April 2015)

This week, Symfony continued polishing the upcoming 2.7 version release with some bug fixes and minor tweaks. Meanwhile, we continued publishing articles about the great new features of Symfony 2.7: improved serializer, a new Twig profiler, minor security improvements and the new Asset component. Lastly, the SymfonyCon Paris 2015 conference announced its definitive venue and dates (3-5 December).

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 04b8e4e: [Translation] fixed test to refresh cache when resources are no longer fresh
  • 78cc93c, f732659, cfa3e95: static code analysis for improving components code quality
  • 870a299: [DependencyInjection] show better error when the Yaml component is not installed
  • d97279e: [HttpKernel] cleaned up ExceptionListener
  • 7e95a24: [FrameworkBundle] fixed Routing\DelegatingLoader resiliency to fatal errors
  • a2deb61: [Config] improved file loader error for router/other resources in bundle
  • dd5a811: supported .yaml extension in Routing and DependencyInjection YAML loaders
  • 1014719: [FrameworkBundle] workaround php -S ignoring auto_prepend_file

2.6 changelog:

  • 71d84e6: [FrameworkBundle] used the Table helper if present in favor of the deprecated TableHelper class
  • 0c1b9ba: [FrameworkBundle] fixed server:start --router relative path
  • 3450122: [Debug] scream as LogLevel::DEBUG (but for fatal errors / uncaught exceptions)
  • 973ee2e: [Translation] removed duplicate code for loading catalogue
  • a0d185a: [FrameworkBundle] initialized translator with the default locale

2.7 changelog:

  • 12a183a: [Translation] reverted inlining the fallback messages in production
  • 995448c: [Finder] removed duplicated toRegex() code

2.8 changelog:

  • 3694e5e: [Translation] added FileLoader
  • fbe1a43: [FrameworkBundle] added address port number option to server:run command

Master changelog:

  • 94f55ce: [FrameworkBundle] removed deprecated alias in lint commands
  • a683891: [OptionsResolver] removed OPTIONS_INTERFACE in favor of Options::class

Newest issues and pull requests

Silex development highlights

Master changelog:

  • c207787: fixed compatbility of the SecurityServiceProvider with Symfony 2.6

They talked about us

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