Symfony News

First Symfony CMF 1.3 Release Candidate Available

The release of Symfony CMF 1.3 is coming closer with the availability of
release candidates for all packages. Stable releases can be expected in the
coming weeks.
After the 1.2 release, the activity of the Symfony CMF project has dropped,
resulting in no new release in 2015. With this new release, the CMF is back
in the running with full Symfony 2.8 and PHP 7 support.
Important new Features
Included in this release are the following packages:

Version 1.0 of SlugifierApi;
Version 1.1 of RoutingAutoBundle and RoutingAuto;
Version 1.2 of SearchBundle, SeoBundle and TreeBrowserBundle;
Version 1.3 of BlockBundle, CoreBundle, ContentBundle, MediaBundle,
SimpleCmsBundle, Testing;
Version 1.4 of RoutingBundle and Routing;
Version 2.0 of MenuBundle;

The most important features included in these new versions are:

PHP 7 support for all CMF packages;
The Routing and Testing components support Symfony 3;
The CmfMenuBundle added KnpMenu 2 support and dropped support for KnpMenu 1;
The CmfSeoBundle added support for generating sitemaps and an exception
controller for better error pages;
The CmfMediaBundle added a cmf_media_file form type to upload simple files;
Improved admin experience for most Sonata Admin classes, including integration
of the SonataTranslationBundle
for multi-language documents;
A symfony-cmf/slugifier-api package was introduced, containing a
generic sluggifier interface to be used when a sluggifier is needed;
Integration of CKeditor in the CmfSimpleCmsBundle and CmfContentBundle,
providing the admin with better tooling to edit page contents.

You can read about all new features master version
of the documentation.
Please update your project and to test the release candidates. This will
help making the 1.3 release more stable.
The Future
Symfony CMF 1.3 will be the last release in the 1.x series. After this
release, work will start on Symfony CMF 2.0. This version targets Symfony
2.8 and 3.0+. In 1.3, most deprecated features already trigger deprecation
notices. However, this does not mean the upgrade to 2.0 will not contain
more breaking changes. We do our best to reduce the breaking changes as
much as possible.
For 2.0, we will also try to reduce the number of bundles included in the
CMF so that we can focus on the important parts. A first thing we already
deprecated is the BlogBundle that never saw a stable release.

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