Symfony News

A week of symfony #579 (29 January - 4 February 2018)

This week Symfony released 2.7.41, 2.8.34, 3.3.16, 3.4.4 and 4.0.4 maintenance versions. The 3.3.16 release will be the last one of the 3.3 branch, which ended its support for bug fixes this week. In addition, Michael Cullum was appointed as a new Symfony Core Team member in charge of leading the security team.

Symfony development highlights

2.7 changelog:

  • 5e3aa67: [HttpFoundation] used the correct syntax for session gc based on Pdo driver
  • c645335: [TwigBridge] allowed label translation to be safe
  • b9bb577: [WebProfilerBundle] increase retry delays between toolbarAction ajax calls
  • 1c58dcf: [PhpUnit Bridge] added support for the new sapi_windows_vt100_support() function introduced in PHP 7.2
  • ceb4e73: [Routing] fixed trailing slash redirection for non-safe verbs
  • 471c410: [Form] fixed empty data on expanded ChoiceType and FileType
  • 0924c00: [Debug] fixed bad registration of exception handler, leading to mem leak
  • 1111da7: [CssSelector] added parenthesis to the left operand of the AND operator

3.4 changelog:

  • a956a76: [DependencyInjection] don't stop PSR-4 service discovery if a parent class is missing
  • 5f770d7: generate deterministic proxy names for lazy services
  • 6cfcfae: [DependencyInjection] fixed tracking of source class changes for lazy-proxies
  • f284004: [HttpKernel] collect extension information as late as possible
  • 1461524: [FrameworkBundle] don't show wanna-be-private services as public in debug:container

Master changelog:

  • 7f8e215: [FrameworkBundle] added an array adapter

Newest issues and pull requests

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