Symfony News

A week of symfony #503 (15-21 August 2016)

This week, the VarDumper component added a new feature to partially dump the cloned data structures. In addition, PHP error handling was greatly improved for Symfony applications: a new config option was added to log/throw all PHP errors; these PHP errors will now trigger an exception in all cases; the formatting of the exceptions in the web debug toolbar was improved, etc. Lastly, the Symfony Core Team added a new member: Grégoire Pineau, known as @lyrixx on GitHub.

Symfony development highlights

2.7 changelog:

  • 1a059e5: [Form] skip CSRF validation on form when POST max size is exceeded
  • 2345ec1: [HttpFoundation] fixed Request::getContent() reusage bug
  • adb7033: [VarDumper] fixed dumping continuations
  • f12d2b7: [TwigBundle] added a check for choice's attributes emptiness before calling block('attributes')
  • c5ca5f3: [HttpKernel] fixed HttpCache validation HTTP method
  • 2909e4b: disabled CLI color for Windows 10 greater than 10.0.10586
  • 7b383a9: [HttpFoundation] verified explicitly that the request IP is a valid IPv4 address

2.8 changelog:

  • fad374e: [SecurityBundle] added missing deprecation notice for form_login.intention
  • fc483cf: [DependencyInjection] fixed service autowiring inheritance

Master changelog:

  • 9784301: [DependencyInjection] removed obsolete definitions in ContainerBuilder
  • ac528c7: [PropertyInfo] fixed an error in PropertyInfoCacheExtractor
  • e34426e: use try-finally where it possible
  • f56ba63: [VarDumper] enhanced dumping __PHP_Incomplete_Class objects
  • 5ace4fd: [HttpFoundation] added named constructor on JsonResponse
  • cf30750: [Twig Bridge] simplified dumping snippet
  • f2200f7: [Debug] improved error handling (always use an exception when a PHP error occurs
  • a7bd135: [FrameworkBundle] fixed default lifetime of cache pools
  • 885c388: [Routing] generate URLs in compliance with PHP_QUERY_RFC3986
  • 58cdb04: [VarDumper] added the line number in trace indexes
  • 640c620: [VarDumper] allowed dumping subparts of cloned Data structures
  • 5603bff: [Cache] added PDO + Doctrine DBAL adapter

Newest issues and pull requests

Twig development highlights

Master changelog:

  • 2103977: added named macro end-tag documentation
  • d726bde: fixed exception message for static method and object without request params

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