Symfony News

A week of symfony #500 (25-31 July 2016)

This week Symfony released 2.7.16, 2.8.9, 3.0.9 and 3.1.3 maintenance versions. Meanwhile, HttpCache lock files were improved by using flock(), a new cache warmer for annotations was enabled and the "add classes to compile" feature was improved to support patterns and annotated classes.

This week also marks a very important milestone for us: the 500th issue of the weekly "A week of Symfony" article. Many thanks to all of you who read us every week.

Symfony development highlights

2.7 changelog:

  • 27d416d: [BrowserKit] uppercased the "GET" method in redirects
  • 44da6e8: [Form] fixed the money form type render with Bootstrap3
  • f6a77a1: [HttpFoundation] fixed HttpCache refresh stale responses containing an ETag
  • 4af4878: [Config] added extra tests for Config component
  • f9ba34f: [Process] fixed write access check for pipes on Windows
  • a8a9923: [HttpKernel] used flock() for HttpCache's lock files

2.8 changelog:

  • bf823a7: [DomCrawler] inherit the namespace cache in subcrawlers to greatly improve performance
  • db3f554: [DependencyInjection] fixed deprecated default message template with XML

3.1 changelog:

  • 3a57de1: [Serializer] enabled property info in framework bundle
  • 26dfa2f: [Cache] fixed incorrect timestamps generated by FilesystemAdapter
  • aaff0d1: [Cache] fixed default lifetime being ignored

Master changelog:

  • c7fa99e: [VarDumper] dumping exceptions is now more compact
  • ad85c79: [Console] updated the console header formatting
  • f76d050: [Filesystem] added a cross-platform readlink() method
  • 35b0ab9: [FrameworkBundle] wire PhpArrayAdapter with a new cache warmer for annotations
  • 983b560: [HttpKernel] allowed bundles to declare classes and annotated classes to compile using patterns

Newest issues and pull requests

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