Symfony News

A week of symfony #470 (28 December 2015 - 3 January 2016)

This week, development activity was much less intense than usual. In addition to some minor fixes and tweaks, the Form component improved the performance of the ChoiceType and its subtypes .

Symfony development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • c4bef72: do not use HttpKernel Extension when not needed
  • a89fe42: use nowdoc instead of heredoc
  • 99fc428: [Process] fixed potential race condition leading to transient tests
  • e4015d5: [Filesystem] fixed dumpFile() negates default file permissions
  • 6d303c7: static Code Analysis for Components

2.7 changelog:

  • 7878536: [Form] improved deprecation messages for the "empty_value" and "choice_list" options in the ChoiceType class
  • ba7213c: [DependencyInjection] fixes typos in triggered deprecation notices
  • a0ef101: [Form] improved performance of ChoiceType and its subtypes

2.8 changelog:

  • bd686cd: [Form] fixed regression on Collection type
  • ceded10: [PropertyInfo] catch ORMMappingException silently in DoctrineBridge
  • f3c2a9b: [Form] fixed Catchable Fatal Error if choices is not an array
  • 43fd7bb: [WebProfilerBundle] removed an object as route generator argument

Newest issues and pull requests

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