Symfony News

A week of symfony #467 (7-13 December 2015)

This week, Symfony slowed down its development activity to focus on fixing bugs and introducing minor tweaks in the newly released 2.8.0 and 3.0.0 versions. Meanwhile, the Symfony release process was updated. Lastly, the next SymfonyLive Cologne conference was announced for April 2016.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • e5dda01: [FrameworkBundle] disable the server:run command when Process component is missing
  • ccb67d7: [Process] always call proc_close in the Process destructor
  • 4cde2d1: [FrameworkBundle] prevent cache:clear creating too long paths
  • 9953550: clean useless deprecation silencing
  • e7cc4aa: [Process] enhance compatiblity with --enable-sigchild

2.7 changelog:

  • b8fbe69: [FrameworkBundle] disable built-in server commands when Process component is missing
  • 420da14: [FrameworkBundle] fixed translations not written when no translations directory in update command

2.8 changelog:

  • 58cd3ee: [PhpUnitBridge] replace "weak-verbose" by "deprecations upper bound" mode
  • 81d9b9d: [WebProfilerBundle] show silenced errors in separate tab
  • 0b9ea95: [FrameworkBundle] improved form deprecation notices to mention the affected service ids

3.0 changelog:

  • 8a2c757: [FrameworkBundle] restored the Ajax collector wrongly removed from the debug toolbar
  • 605e133: [HttpKernel] removed an ESI instance checking in HttpCache

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Be trained by Symfony experts - 2015-12-14 Cologne - 2015-12-14 Cologne - 2015-12-14 Clichy

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