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Symfony Users and lovers, an idea for this question: #symfony #php #datatables #developpers #symfonybundle #sqlhelp

Alex Pierstoval

@symfony_en @javiereguiluz Omg this bundle sounds SO SO SO SO SO SO better than SOnata suite !! Really, this ROCKS !!

Phil Taylor

@mbabker I always have issues spelling... symfony :-)

Michael Babker

@blueflameit I'm reaching a point where I'd almost argue we need Symfony-like Response objects instead of suggesting that redirect() method.

Jon Segador

@symfony_es Tiene muy buena pinta, ¡enhorabuena! :) La clave será la facilidad de añadir subida de archivos, mapas de google, etc.

Profile 29

Wanted; #PHP #Web #Developer for a #job in #Farringdon ~£38k ¦ ¦ #london #symfony #codeigniter #zend #jobs … …

Source: Twitter

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