Symfony News

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Symfony 2.7.27 released

Symfony 2.7.27 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #22528 [Asset] Starting slash should indicate no basePath wanted (@weaverryan) bug #22526 [Asset] Preventi...
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Episode 17 - Symfony 4

The band is back together. Fabien's grand (8-part) unveiling of Symfony Flex has inspired us to get together and talk about all the exciting new things waiting for us in the upcoming Symfony 4. Tune i...
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A week of symfony #536 (3-9 April 2017)

This week Symfony started working on stabilizing the new features introduced for Symfony 3.3, specially the ones related to autowiring. Symfony also added a new Kernel::getProjectDir() method to get t...
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Symfony 3.2.7 released

Symfony 3.2.7 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #22285 [HttpKernel] Fix forward compat with Request::setTrustedProxies() (@nicolas-grekas) bug #22265 Allow...
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Symfony 2.8.19 released

Symfony 2.8.19 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #22265 Allow Upper Case property names (@insekticid) bug #22258 [DI] Autowiring and factories are incompat...
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Symfony 2.7.26 released

Symfony 2.7.26 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #22229 [ExpressionLanguage] Provide the expression in syntax errors (@k0pernikus, @stof) bug #22240 [D...
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