Symfony News

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Symfony 4.3 curated new features

Symfony 4.3.0 is going to be released in a few days. As for any other Symfony minor release, our backward compatibility promise applies and this means that you should be able to upgrade easily without...
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Symfony 3.4.28 released

Symfony 3.4.28 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #31584 [Workflow] Do not trigger extra guards (@lyrixx) bug #31349 [WebProfilerBundle] Use absolute URL fo...
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A Week of Symfony #647 (20-26 May 2019)

This week, Symfony 4.3 beta2 version was released to better prepare for the final Symfony 4.3 release of the next week. Meanwhile, work on Symfony 4.4 (to be released on November 2019) started with th...
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Symfony 4.3.0-BETA2 released

Symfony 4.3.0-BETA2 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #31569 [HttpClient] Only use CURLMOP _MA _HOS _CONNECTIONS & CUR _VERSIO _HTTP2 if defined (@Gawa...
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A Week of Symfony #646 (13-19 May 2019)

This week Symfony continued polishing the upcoming Symfony 4.3 version with the addition of a cache to improve PropertyInfo performance. In addition, the Symfony local web server started publishing it...
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New in DoctrineBundle 1.11.0

DoctrineBundle is the library that integrates the Doctrine DBAL and ORM libraries into Symfony applications. DoctrineBundle 1.11.0 has just been released and includes several new features and improvem...
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A Week of Symfony #645 (6-12 May 2019)

This week, the Symfony 4.3.0 beta 1 version was released, so you can test Symfony 4.3 in your own projects before the stable release at the end of May. Meanwhile, the SymfonyLive London 2019 conferenc...
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Symfony 4.3.0-BETA1 released

Symfony 4.3.0-BETA1 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: feature #31249 [Translator] Set sources when extracting strings from php files (@Stadly) feature #31365 [...
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