Symfony News

Laravel meetup with Taylor Otwell Q&A

Hi Artisans,

first of a big thanks to ABOUT YOU for the Location and drinks! ???

- Talk "LaravelStorm - Optimize PHPStorm for your Laravel projects" by Jörg Basedow (dev at ABOUT YOU)
- Q&A with Taylor Otwell (creator of Laravel)

Pizza sponsored by shopping24 ??? .

~ Q&A with Taylor Otwell (creator of Laravel) ~

We have a very special guest for our next meetup as *Taylor Otwell* - the creator of our beloved Laravel Framework - will join us for some Q&A via live chat!

Add your questions here:[masked]


~ TALK by Jörg (developer at ABOUT YOU) ~

LaravelStorm - Optimize PHPStorm for your Laravel projects

I'd like to see what's possibly wrong in my projects right away by looking at the source code. Therefore I'd like to keep all inspections "green". Otherwise you're prone to the "broken window theory". If you manage all inspections on a file to pass, you see a lot of errors right away. The inspections of PHPStorm are being improved with every new release. In this talk I'll show you what you can do to leverage the power of the PHPStorm inspections for your Laravel projects.

- code completion
- navigation through source code
- code validation
- spell checking
- unresolved issues
- outside the box topics
- summary
- outlook

Organizer: Artisans

Event time: 27-02-2018 19:30:00 CET

Domstraße 10

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